In exchange for free rent, I raked Chris an Elizabeths lawn today. What exactly is it about hardcore yardwork that if you experienced it as a child never goes away? I thought I'd let Charlie and Cody (Chris' dog) out while I worked. So while Cody jumps straight for the leaf pile fishing out sticks, Charlie's got this ultra confused look on his face like 'what am I supposed to do?' and I tell him 'you're a boxer, a guard dog that. sit on the porch and look in charge.' We have these conversations. The poor 8 year old has spent 6 of his 8 years thus far in a big city where dogs walk on leashes. None of this roaming and foraging around business PLEASE! Onto the greasy spoon.
I had my first experience at the Old Georgetown Grill in downtown Bethesda MD. It looks like the town is left empty for a few hours before football while everyone and their mothers gorges themselves on open faced turkey sandwiches smothered in gravy, slightly overcooked waffles, pretty (yet greasy) over medium eggs and corned beef hash. Its perfect. the 7 foot Grecian looking cook, the hispanic waitress and the mexican busboys all in perfect synchronization. just another Sunday morning.
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